RealFlow 10是Next Limit的最新版本的流体模拟软件。
【新版本 RealFlow 10 功能与改进】
DYVERSO Improvements: 2X GPU
The DYVERSO solver architecture has been redesigned to get the most out of the modern GPUs and multi-core CPUs.
GPU OpenCL 2x
CPU 1.5x
GPU 3x (Over CPU)*
(*)Intel(R) Core™ i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3201 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s) NVIDIA Quadro K6000 GPU, 2880 NVIDIA CUDA® parallel processing cores.
HYBRIDO Improvements
HYBRIDO is now 2x faster when compared to RealFlow 2015, with additional improvements to Memory Footprint and Foam Creation
Particle Skinner Daemon
The daemons’ main purpose is to transfer particle motion and animation (as a whole particle system) to geometry objects. In effect, particles function as bones for skinning the modified geometry.
K Volume Object Mode
Any object can be used to remove particles that are inside.
Falloff Object Mode
Objects can be used to fade a daemon’s forces and control exactly how they should vanish.
Project Manager
There is a new, totally revamped version of the Project Manager where you can find your scenes quickly and have access to learning material at your finger tips.
Export Panel
Every single node has now its own export panel where all the parameters related to caching can be manipulated avoiding the longer and less intuitive task of editing them through the Export Central tool.
Parameter Groups
Parameters having additional sub-parameters can now be collapsed/expanded providing a cleaner way of looking at your parameters.
Scene Node Tree
Now the Scene Node Tree represents the transformation hierarchy of your scene which is a more intuitive way of looking at your nodes’ parent/child relationship.
Pack and Go
Move your scenes around making sure you always include all the external resources.
Save Incremental
One-click way of automatically versioning your projects.
Quick Access Tool
Quick access to any RealFlow command.
Scene Info
You can add comments to your scene using rich text with images, tags can also be used for quick finding of your scenes in the Project Manager.
Optional Embedding
You can decide whether to include the simulation data in your scene or not.
Additional Features
Bitmap Emitter Improvements.
Continuous Collision Detection.
Better support for 4K monitors.
Time Scale for Hybrido secondary emitters.
Homogenization of bounded options in Daemons.
Environment variables can be used in the preferences window.
License priority pick up.
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★.AE模板 商务休闲实拍绿屏幕合成视频素材 手机iPhone与平板iPad展示
★.10套-全高清光效光斑转场漏光粒子素材集合 共186组视频【米松整理】
★.Drag & Drop Series 第2季系列8套超值高品质视觉特效
★.【第三季】影视后期精品特效素材包 Drag & Drop Series 3
★.【第二季】遮罩蒙版转场精品素材包 Matte Magic Series 2
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- #-2谢谢 分享
- #-3破解总是导入 lic那个文件失败有人成功过吗?
- #-4很好,但是没有看到下载链接
- #-5咋没有下载链接呢
- #-6很好很不错
- #-7好屌的样子
- #-8it's verygood
- #-9没有下载?
- #-10厉害了我的哥
- #-11goodgood
- #-12这是在拼电脑配置吧。。真正的制作五分钟 解算五天
- #-13good!verygood!!Thank!Thanks very much!!!
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