Element 3D V1.6版本 预计很快免费更新发布

Element 3D V1.6有一些很酷的新功能和一堆的稳定性和bug修复。

我最喜欢的功能之一,是世界上位置的通行证,允许你创建一个3D的磨砂用于合成其他层元素的3D对象。插件Element 3D技术,比如特定的,有自己的3D空间,让他们互动可以是一个有点棘手。但与世界的位置通,你可以很容易地结合在一个单元中的粒子和股票片段。



Element 3D V1.6,预计将很快发布一个免费更新。
Element 3D V1.6 has some cool new features and a bunch of stability and bug fixes.
One of my favorite features has to be the world position pass which allows you to create a 3D matte for compositing other layers with Element 3D Objects. Since Element 3D and plug-ins like Particular have their own 3D space, getting them to interact can be a bit tricky. But with the World Position pass you can easily combine Particle and stock footage in a snap.
Unlike a normal Z pass the World Position Pass does not rely on camera distance so your matte will stay spatially correct. Think of it as an XYZ-Pass!
With a normal Z-depth compositing you can only place a layer in front or behind objects in front of the camera. But World Position Mattes can be rotated and moved around with ease. A short tutorial will be released to show how easy this feature works and some other new features as well!
Element 3D V1.6 is expected to be released soon as a Free update.






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