Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件
VR Team的速度真是快!

Magic Bullet Suite 12新特性包括:
Magic Bullet Looks 3.0(新更新)
Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件

Magic Bullet Colorista III (新更新)
Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件
简化了的UI,GPU加速和工具,如突出(突出康复的细节),阴影(添加填充光阴影),暗边和力量。Colorista现在可以运行在FCPX和Motion,除了Premiere 和 After Effects。

Magic Bullet Film ——(新插件)
Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件
The look of real motion picture film.
– Emulates the entire photochemical process for an authentic look.
– Mix and match 22 negative stocks and 4 print stocks.
– Includes accurate, measured film grain and a foolproof vignette tool.

Magic Bullet Mojo 2.0
Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件
The look of a Hollywood blockbuster in seconds.
– Instantly gives your footage an action movie color grade.
– Accentuates and protects skin tones. Cools off your backgrounds.
– Highly customizable – Cool things off, warm them up, bleach them, and more.

Magic Bullet Cosmo 2.0
Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件
Fast, simple cosmetic cleanup.
– The fastest way to make your talent look their best.
– Quickly balance skin tones, reducing wrinkles and remove blemishes.
– Intuitive, simple controls to keep skin looking natural and consistent.

Denoiser II 降噪插件
Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件
Easy video noise reduction.
– Provides immediate one-step results.
– Removes noise while preserving detail.
– Cleans up footage shot in low light or at high ISOs.

LUT Buddy
Magic Bullet Suite v12.0.0 自动安装破解注册 红巨星调色套装AE插件
Import, create and export Lookup Tables.
– Export a 1D or 3D LUT to easily communicate color with compliant software.
– Create LUTs for use in BulletProof, or read LUTs generated there.
– Works in Multiple Host applications including Premiere Pro and After Effects.


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★.好莱坞动作电影真实打斗搏击音效素材库 Triune Sound Fighting SFX Pack
★.共326套 West One Music 超强音乐素材合集 320kbps发烧级音质
★.Really Slow Motion Music电影配乐 大气 高端 震撼 FLAC无损音频压缩
★.X-ray Dog Music 镭射狗震撼史诗大气专题片配乐素材 01-66CD 合集
★.精品预告片音乐藏品:Gothic Storm Music哥特风暴音乐 1-20CD专辑 史诗兴奋

下载地址 提示!!!任何网盘的VIP会员CG资源网的VIP

百度云会员链接链接密码:k7d5 移动网盘会员链接提取密码:944805
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