Shooter Suite v12.7.2 (Win/Mac) 红巨星视频套装AE插件
SHOOTER SUITE 12.7 – 一套非常不错的插件套装,能节约你后期工作流程,结局你多种后期方案。
Red Giant Shooter Suite是一套7个工具,让您自由拍摄的方式自由,更有信心,你的画面会让它从您的相机镜头到编辑时间线安全、声音和同步。

BulletProof 1.2 – A standalone app for on-set offload, backup and review of footage.
– Verify, protect, and deliver your footage, with confidence.
– Review footage on location to verify you got your shot.
– Send Notes, color correction, and metadata to your editor.

OFFLOAD 1.0 – Simple & reliable backup of your footage in the field.
– Easy to use and makes sure your files are safe.
– Works with virtually every camera, card, and format.
– Compares your backup to the original, verifying an exact copy.

PluralEyes 3.5.5 – Audio/Video Sync in Seconds. No clapboards or timecode needed.
– The most accurate A/V sync available.
– Syncs audio and video with the touch of a single button.
– Provides color-coded real-time sync feedback and touch up tools.

Denoiser II – Easy Video Noise Reduction.
– Provides immediate one-step results.
– Removes noise while preserving detail.
– Cleans up footage shot in low light or at high ISOs.

Instant 4K – Upconvert video to 4K resolution and other high-resolution formats.
– Fast field-blending algorithm for quick results.
– High quality motion-adaptive algorithm for intelligent smoothing.
– De-artifacts and repairs lost color information in DV and HDV footage.

Frames 1.1.3 – Deinterlace your older footage and convert it to 24P.
– Better results than scaling tools provided by host applications.
– Simple resolution presets that make it easy to upconvert.
– Up to 400% faster than Instant HD.

LUT Buddy 1.0.1 – Import, create and export Lookup Tables.
– Export a 1D or 3D LUT to easily communicate color with compliant software.
– Create LUTs for use in BulletProof, or read LUTs generated there.
– Works in Multiple Host applications including Premiere Pro and After Effects


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兼容性:After Effects/Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, CS6 ,CC,CC 2014,CC 2015 (Win)

米松独家为大家整理支持AE CC 2015版本的插件集合:

★.好莱坞动作电影真实打斗搏击音效素材库 Triune Sound Fighting SFX Pack
★.共326套 West One Music 超强音乐素材合集 320kbps发烧级音质
★.Really Slow Motion Music电影配乐 大气 高端 震撼 FLAC无损音频压缩
★.X-ray Dog Music 镭射狗震撼史诗大气专题片配乐素材 01-66CD 合集
★.精品预告片音乐藏品:Gothic Storm Music哥特风暴音乐 1-20CD专辑 史诗兴奋

下载地址 提示!!!任何网盘的VIP会员CG资源网的VIP

Win百度云会员链接链接密码: 887t Win迅雷快传会员链接

Mac OSx 平台
安装程序: http://cdn.redgiant.com/redgiant/products/singlesuites/shooter/SSuite_Mac_Full.zip
Denoiser II: MBNK1245865095746168
Frames 1.1: MBFK1245843484599512
Instant 4K: IHDK1245843086124132
Offload 1.0: OFLK1245858439487526
BulletProof 1.2: RGBK1245874736628977
PluralEyes 3.5: PLLK1245872562842515
LUT Buddy: included free






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