Digital-Tutors –After Effects制作令人惊叹的风格

在这一系列的After Effects的教程中,我们将学习有关的过程以及一些创作手法,为建设新的伟大风格的框架!

我们开始讨论什么是styleframe实际上是和它如何能够帮助您在您的工作流程和过程的开始项目,然后拎着它的运动图形。 Styleframes是伟大的沟通你的想法,并给自己一个有形的路线图,作为一个指南,一旦你开始动画。这当然是完美的,任何人想要了解更多有关如何执行你的想法,就像你最初的设想。这肯定是适合您的课程,如果你在After Effects中创建运动图形,因为我们经历了一些非常有价值的技术执行嵌套谱曲的一致性。


Digital-Tutors – Building Stunning Style Frames in After Effects

Intermediate | 3h 45m | 2 GB | Project Files: Included | Software used: After Effects CS6, Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6

In this series of After Effects tutorials, we will learn about the process as well as some creation techniques for building great style frames!

We begin by discussing what a styleframe actually is and how it can help you in your workflow and process for beginning a motion graphics project then carrying it through to the end. Styleframes are great for communicating your ideas and giving yourself a tangible road map that acts as a guide once you start animating. This course is perfect for anyone wanting to learn more about how to execute your ideas, just as you originally envisioned them. It’s definitely the course for you, if you’re creating your motion graphics in After Effects, because we go through some really valuable techniques for executing consistency with nested comps.

You don’t want to miss out on this tutorial that will take your creative process to a whole new level.








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