Cinema?4Dprofessional lighting studio(专业灯光预设)

12 lights
HDR sky
Gradiend sky
55 IES

enlight your scene in fast and easy way
7 Live Studios
5 Static Studios
addiotianl elements to enrich lightnigh and final look of your creation
16 amazing stage Set
Build your own vast and extensive model using one of 16 out of the box stage sets

Cinema?4Dprofessional lighting studio(专业灯光预设)

As in professional photographic studio our softbox gives a models bright and soft shadows and provide even more photorealistic experience. Our softbox is equipped with wing that’s enrich scene with even more natural looks. The switchable panels gives you opportunity to set your own unique texture and enlighten the scene in your own unique way.Cinema?4Dprofessional lighting studio(专业灯光预设)

Is another way to enlighten your stage gives you more concentrate stream of light and open a new opportunities and ways to presents your models in much sharper and strong but also highly customizable direct and point light.

Cinema?4Dprofessional lighting studio(专业灯光预设)

Much softer and disperse light gives a model a unique photographic studio look and feel. Also very customizable and ready to use with your everyday work. Gives you a chance to accomplish a tremendous effects in lighting your models or scenes.

Cinema?4Dprofessional lighting studio(专业灯光预设)

Cinema?4Dprofessional lighting studio(专业灯光预设)


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