Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

Beautiful bevels in Cinema 4D & Cineware. ?Infinite options.

Take your 3D text to the next level with this all-in-one bevel toolkit.

Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

Text Edge FX Pro is a must have tool for anyone who works with 3D type or logos inside of Cinema 4D. ?This is a preset that creates brilliant looking text and logos super fast. ?With it you can add custom outer, inner bevels, and edges to any text that goes above and beyond the stock bevel options in C4D. ?The best part? ?It’s non-destructive!??What does that mean? ?Develop your text bevel look and you easily edit it, change the font or text just like you would with the MoText object while keeping the bevel intact?making iteration a breeze! ?Along with applying bevels on your type, you can also put bevels on any spline shape you bring in, whether it be a logo made in Adobe Illustrator or a spline shape made directly in Cinema 4D.

Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

What’s new in TEFX Pro?

TEFX Pro takes your custom bevels to a whole new level. ? It’s faster, includes over 10 new features, and now has Mograph and Dynamics support built in. ? ?With it’s extremely intuitive controls, endless customizable options, and over 30 text bevel preset scene files, 15 custom inner bevels, plus the ability to make & use your own custom bevel shapes, it’s essential for anyone who needs to make amazing looking text or logos inside of Cinema 4D or Cineware.

Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

Version Compatibility & Cinema 4D Lite

Text Edge FX Pro requires Cinema 4D R11 and above. ?TEFX Pro is fully compatible with R13 and above including Cinema 4D Lite meaning you can create gorgeous text for use in Adobe After Effects CC. ?Also compatible with Cinema 4D R12 and below. ?NOTE: Preset scene files require Broadcast or Studio version.

Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

Feature List

? Built in Mograph & dynamics.
? Cinema 4D Lite compatible.
? Over 30 new TEFX preset scene files
? Non destructive, easily change the letters or font while keeping your custom bevel look in tact making iteration a breeze
? Text field input automatically updates TEFX layer name
? Low rez proxy option to speed up viewport scene when working with mograph & dynamics
? Full text alignment options for use with Mograph Effectors
? Option to have back bevel mirror front bevel
? Editable capping & fillet edges
? Over 15 custom inner bevel splines included
? Ability to use your own custom bevels
? Simple & intuitive interface & controls
? Rebuilt from the bottom up for improved speed

Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

Text Edge FX Pro文本边缘预设与Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D插件

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