Illustrator is a powerful vector graphics program that many artists believe is just for logos. We’re here to tell you this just isn’t the case. As we’ll see in this training, we can create some really great, powerful illustrations all right inside of Illustrator.
While working through this illustration, we will learn several different methods for quickly creating a variety of custom shapes including the pen tool, the pencil tool and the blob brush. We’ll learn how we can utilize Photoshop’s brush engine to create shapes for noise or structure that we can use in Illustrator. We will also learn how we can include things like gradients, transparency and blend modes in our illustrations.
After completing this Illustrator tutorial, you should have a strong understanding of the tools and techniques as well as my thought process in creating a strong narrative illustration all inside Adobe Illustrator.
Home: http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=1041

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