?? MacOS10.8.3 U盘安装版


OS X 山狮是世界上最先进的操作系统的最新版本。山狮包含了超过200个新的功能,扩展的能力,你的Mac。随着新的消息应用程序,你可以发送文字,照片,视频,联系人,联系和文件的任何用户的Mac,iPhone,iPad的,或iPod touch – 你甚至可以在一台设备开始通信,并继续在另一个。一个新的按钮可以方便的导出发送链接,网页,照片,视频,并直接通过应用程序发布鸣叫,你的工作。提醒应用程序,你可以创建列表和通过新的中心通知收到警报。与您的朋友使用Mac或设备的iOS系统游戏中心,发挥你的Mac。一个内置服务的iCloud存储在您的邮件,联系人,日历,提醒,笔记,列表,音乐,照片,文件,iWork的,PDF文件,并在所有设备上


Extras. Information:
Create stick:
1. Mount image 1083_usb.iso
2. Install R-Drive (in the distribution)
3. Format the flash drive, run the R-Drive.
4. Click Restore, select 1083_usb.arc (located on the way), click Next and select the Primary (Active), click create.
5. Boot from the USB drive.
Choosing MLionUSB
Start the installation
After installing the new boot from USB drive and select the set max.
Further, after the successful zagruki Mac OS X ustnavlivaem Chameleon – on a flash drive in the folder “PostInstall”
To return to the normal form of the stick in this format the http://d.pr/SMfl
MD5: 761683bdcf256e8bf44b497cf5d75f73
Release year: 2013
Version: OS X 10.8.3 (12D78)
Developer: Apple Inc.
Developer site: http://www.apple.com
Platform: Intel only
Language: Russian + English
System requirements:
Intel IBM PC
2Gb RAM flash is required to create Windows
8gig flash drive or for a successful startup, you must install Chameleon and used his Extra.
See below for an example of extra
With a desire to copy the Extra in the root. http://d.pr/f/9YRI
more Extra option: http://d.pr/f/9zHa
picDop. information:
Installation is possible on ICBMs and ATG.


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