一款常用的视频编辑软件,由Adobe公司推出。现在常用的有CS4、CS5、CS6、CC以及CC 2014版本。是一款编辑画面质量比较好的软件,有较好的兼容性,且可以与Adobe公司推出的其他软件相互协作。目前这款软件广泛应用于广告制作和电视节目制作中。 其最新版本为Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.1。
Premiere Pro是视频编辑爱好者和专业人士必不可少的视频编辑工具。它可以提升您的创作能力和创作自由度,它是易学、高效、精确的视频剪辑软件。Premiere提供了采集、剪辑、调色、美化音频、字幕添加、输出、DVD刻录的一整套流程,并和其他Adobe软件高效集成,使您足以完成在编辑、制作、工作流上遇到的所有挑战,满足您创建高质量作品的要求。
Premiere Pro CC 2014.1新特点:
– All of the video applications feature a refined user interface, with new support for HiDPI displays on the Windows platform, accompanying the existing support for Apple Retina displays.
– New Search bins allow users to automatically generate dynamic bins based on search criteria, including newAdvanced Timeline Search capabilities. Search bins update as new content is added to a project, so users can keep projects organized, even as new footage is still coming in.
– Consolidate & Transcode allows users to move all relevant files in projects and sequences to reduce the overall project size. Once the setting is selected in the Project Manager panel, all content is rendered into a single codec and a compact new project file is created.
– Multi-project workflows allow editors to bring everything they need into one workspace. Users can open multiple Media Browser panels for easy access to as many projects as needed. The new Source Monitor Timeline viewopens a second Timeline for media and sequences from other projects, making it easy to bring existing clips, edits, transitions, or graphics directly into your current project.
– Premiere Pro CC now offers full support for reading and encoding GoPro CineForm, an easily managed, cross-platform intermediate codec, ideal for high resolution footage. And the Premiere Pro CC engineers keep finding ways to get more out of the GPU with native support for 4K, 5K, 6K (and higher) content, including new GPU-based deBayering for AJA RAW, Canon RAW, and Phantom Cine, as well as RED and Cinema DNG footage.
– Existing features see some significant new capabilities, too, like enhanced Masking & Tracking, that enables users to adjust feathering directly in the Program Monitor, or use the free-draw polygon tool to create complex mask shapes. Use Render & Replace to speed up performance of VFX-heavy sequences by flattening After Effects CC compositions into video clips—and thanks to Dynamic Link, the original comps are always accessible if you need to make further changes. Improved Master Clip effects, Send to Audition, and AAF export to DAWs, are just a few other enhancements coming to Premiere Pro CC this Fall.
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